Sunday, January 27, 2019

When the doorbell rang

He had been waiting, it had been hours. The longest he would have waited. The whole matter was such, it could not have be spoken over the phone, video call or email.

Netra, his sister, was coming home after two years. She had been studying in Australia. In last few conversations with her, he had sensed some upheavals in her life. He was concerned, they were not just twins but best friends too. She kept saying she was okay, she will speak to him when she returns home.

The door bell rang and he rushed to open it. There she was standing, smiling despite being tired. He hugged her, how much he had missed her. She hugged him too wholeheartedly.

From behind her peaked a foreigner girl, smiling she said 'Namaste'.
He smiled and said, 'Namaste, to you too'
Netra looked flushed, 'Bhai, meet Samara my girlfriend.'
Instantly he knew just looking at his sister, what she had been holding up for so long.
Netra was searching his face for reaction. He opened the door wide, smiled his brilliant reassuring smile and said 'Welcome home, girls.'

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

What if you are not there!

I ask, "What If's or if only's." Always expecting an answer from you. Your answer always lie in the warmth of your eyes.
It just balms over my upheavals of uncertainty about what is going on in my life.
Your ever listening ear to my excitement, woes or frustrations have only led me to be myself without any judgement. Your smile at my smallest achievements have given me strength to strive harder. Your uncanny view of the world has only made me realise the real world around me. You made me understand to live the fullest in the moment and not worry too much.
Not once have I thought about who is that some one for you, like you are to me. I truly hope you do have someone as best as you in your life.

Thank you for everything!